Rift - Journal # 5 (lvl 34 - lvl 42 & situation of "normal" 5 dungeons)
In recent days, a lot has happened. Apart from the fact that I have made 8 level, I also have a whole bag of Instanzruns behind me.
For one, I'm actually both the quest and in particular instances, only go as deep bard. As a side Trees I still have the Ranger and the Blade Dancer here. Blade Dancer for Oh-Shit-button and 5% hit and the Rangers for 5% Crit and Attack Power Instinct (Selfbuff).
The bard gives me a lot of fun. The support is really top notch: Int + Wis buff, Str + Dex buff or at Endurance - you name it - he did it.
come to that the nice "aura": 20% faster and moving in combat, Armor, magic resistance, or reduced ability costs.
But there is still a long circuit in addition there's the not-so eklusiven Kurzeitbuffs: AtkPower + spell power, 5% crit, 5% more healing, 5% less damage, 30 seconds GruppenHoT.
This is still a little healing on one of the two main combo point builder for 10 raid / party members.
What you see is a bard a real bank regarding support. In addition, he also provides quite competitively in more AE damage situations in which at least a mob has a lot of neat and life points, he may, as in boss battles for a time very good burst damage deal 41ger Talent is thanks.
However, I must say in general about instances that this as yet but were mau in its basic variant, all right. Optical may not yet tie even close to the fairy instance and playful is because not even really been great out of the ordinary was there. Here and there Raid rule 2b, 2 times kiting the boss here and there a shield & Adds, Once a Nilas Aran on the back burner - that's it.
Ok that's more variety than Tank & Spank and I may have already seen too much or expecting too much from "simple" level instances.
playful I must say this one so far for my has taste for the instances, unfortunately, is based far too heavily on WotLK. Tank charged / portet in the mobs, A DD silenced the caster, the tank fired out some an AE taunt and only 1 GCD later breaks the DPS AE los hell and it is everything "Weggebombt.
That should have in the long run but Megaöde and makes the important virtues that one in a game but actually wither and new players will learn not only discipline, Fokusdmg, LOS pull & Crowd Control. Really a shame. Furthermore, it also leads
to which a whole pile Speccs currently are no use as DDs. In PvE are automatically Speccs designed primarily to the weak single target DPS are.
I mean what does it do me if I'm traveling with a spec that can develop in phases trash no more than 250 DPS, while some classes / Speccs with 1400 + DPS (and I am talking about level 40) milling around. It's worth then not they ignite unpack in a long boss fight with all cooldowns 500 single target DPS can when the AE Specc here still comes up with 450th The boss battles are easy to control and whether the now 2 seconds while longer makes any difference. The trash is often the thing which you wiped, what stays and what is an instance, 90% employed - ergo => All the instances I have experienced so far are clearly of AE DDs been dominated and have a good group identified.
The worst monster AE currently IMHO the game is on the way, is the warrior with a Riftblade Specc. The packs tons of AE damage, and, in contrast to the rogue / Rogues not the combo point problem. Sure a warrior also has a points system, but it is linked to his char. If he has maximum load and wegstirbt him his present, he simply changes the target goal and then triggers his finisher.
The villain that happens all the lose his combo points. Some Speccs (the bard, for example) even lose the effect if the AE has initiated and is on his way to the mob and the mob dies before the effect is there, then the effect will just disappear and the remaining mobs get NO splash damage - very regrettable. The other
Schurkenspeccs with AE damage I have ever played, but have rather more difficult. You can not play the one trump card support, so just throw in addition to the average loss often again in addition ~ 75% recovery of the actually full healer of the group and with the numerous buffs in the balance. No
a ranger must convince his injury alone. At my current level, he can dish with the arrow rain / Rain of Arrows ~ 1000 damage in 6 seconds. So these are taken about 166 DPS per mob. In addition, however, is the one place the effect has yet to sometimes requires select something a little more time 0.5-1 second to the best possible location. Does not sound like much, but is a half to one of the GCD is given away to make damage. The other one are ahead. If you would now what the best with the RoA (Rain of Arrows) starts, then the pet's own start as Ranger has not necessarily automatically go to the opponent to attack. (Since it is AE would not care who it attacks so is everything tanked), but it does not exist. It now has two options is chosen by hand from a target and send it via hotkey going to attack, but this time, additional costs which in turn means a little time DMG, or to use trick-shot by up to 5 targets to attack and send off by standing on a defensive pet, and then changes to the RoA. Is also suboptimal because it costs too much energy and one after the RoA then no longer have much meaning to fill the two GCDs or if you do that consumes too much energy and then wait until you get back enough for RoA has. Overall, the AoE Dmg rotation for a Ranger just "broken" and he is not able to use every available GCD for him to impose an AE ability. In addition, the AE be a finisher has a lot to long cooldown, as that could be rest assured that he would use only once every Mobgruppe.
The Marksmen seems on the higher levels with to get 3 or 4 talent points and a halfway reasonable AE damage, but I'm not as completely secure. One ability is a 4 seconds channeled effect, but with a IMHO far too long cooldown, so that they are probably only every 3 or 4.te Mobgruppe available. The other impact fan-out (or something similar) can be as high as it concerns the pump 8 or 9 goals, which can work well. Instant loss of air power, which we exclude the problem of enemy armor and the cost is reasonable with 35 energy. It is hoped, however, no combo points, but again, the good that one must not fret, this is a just died on his 5-point goal before you could get out the pepper finisher. This option is tested by me when my current option: failed Night Blade. Who has a skill with the same configuration 8 goals AE, cost 35 - without building combo point. 'm Curious whether you So finally in a position from the middle of the DPS to stand out, even though I am pretty sure that you can not catch up to the Warrior / Riftblade.
thing I miss is a decent rogue AE Point Builder AE and a finisher without cooldown. Hmm, maybe can even a Ranger / Bard skillung Sun 25/25 Point Building solve the problem with trick-shot and finishing with a coda of Fury, both no cooldown ... hmm ... sometimes helps just to write but at the thought. Will I later in the game look even if that might just work.
Otherwise I must say, although I am currently quite happy with the Bard and happy, I am somewhat disappointed by the two arch Souls (Ranger / Marksmen), and had hoped they can deliver the Competitive DPS, which I so far not seen I, neither me, nor a rogue we once had in our runs with it.
seem Currently, only the tank and the Specc Barden Specc to any good. Who was not so surprising, since I would have thought that the villain in any case of damage, but delivers exactly that which currently is not the case.
Last but not least do I care I really like the one with the rogue tanks at level 50 looks like. At this stage we had in the instances of no problems with the villain (apart from the port-bug), I fear, however, serious problems in raids and dungeons Expert.
IMHO scale rogue tanks horribly with gear. The reason is quite simple, while tanks solely by the higher armor class and wear a shield before the enormous Vorteiel Schadensreuzierung have the balance, a villain with Tankskillung can not, he can also dodge IMHO not really make up ground.
First Warrior tanks have three talent trees with defensive characteristics, where it can run good Cherry Picking out a rogue only, say, 1 ½ available stand. In addition, there is the contribution of the Trion Stats Spanking total added. A rogue gets from Dexterity 1:1 Dodge, but also a warrior. A villain gets a point thickness and 1 point Parry, a warrior gets the well and get additional 1 point block.
is the case of a rogue one point Dodge ~ 0.03% effective dodge, while 1 point granted Parry ~ 0.02% effective parry.
is added all the rogue skills are static and provide only fixed values, what in the phase level in undergeared situations means we can stand any better because of their fresh sign rank saves the situation, but at max level they lose this advantage and the mobs the continue to improve beyond the static shield and warrior skills are then presented above clearly itemizing the benefits of the favorites and possibly ensure the villains play on the bard be nailed because otherwise they are not competitive. I hope I am wrong and the importance of AE DPS decreases in the endgame to give other skill revisions a stage.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Australia 1.2ghz Wireless
Photo: Lari
Welcome to the world of the thirties. At least that someone can say from my friends on Saturday on his own. We are growing up, damn it. Even as a non-birthday I will at that thought a little nervous, gone are the days of children's birthdays, where the highlights, the traditional newspaper dance or Topfschlagen were.
Although I am still far from my own thirtieth birthday away, but I would now like to know where I'm at that age in life and what by then about me happening around and with me.
One thing is certain, we will not age alone, the best people we have in the luggage and then we can not do anything. Together we will preserve the youth to dance the night away at dawn to stagger home, jumping at concerts in the mosh pit, in the cinema rumknutschen, radio plays and never sleep without our hard earned salaries cut down on the counter on the head.
Have a good weekend.
Vote Of Thanks Speech Examples
Rift - Journal # 4 (lvl 32 - lvl 34)
The evening can be summed up quite well with Lock Quest. Great things are not under me come here. The highlight was certainly the gebashe with a full raid against a considerable Deat invasion including Boss Kill, I have worked with the Bard once beautiful buff & debuff and could heal.
is otherwise not much happens instance, there will probably only today or tomorrow when I'm 35 so or 36, I think before it makes any sense.
The Riftstalker / Blade Dancer / Bard spec is now complete and I have geskillt 32/6/6. I think I have the Riftstalker everything first essential in it, but here and there go a few more nice-to-have items. At Bard I geskillt 10% HP bonus and the "armor aura", but here are still missing in Street Smart 3 points for 6% less dmg.
The Blade Dancer 3% hit and 3% had both Dodge geskillt I would like to expand to 5%. The next 7 Skill points are so firmly scheduled. What I then skills are, there are still, for the first time I have to tinker nor my Hotbar right to collect some practice experience and then I will see. Moreover, even the Tankequip will be built here and there but I have some extremely offensive slots Dex, Str, Crit and only has to say as I look at each case that is even better. A quick dirty test with 2-3 items that I had in inventory on it have at least something I'm Endurance selfbuffed to 3.7 k HP. I think there is something else, but in any case in regions in which to work.
At this point even mentioned it yesterday our guild master and mate yesterday as successful players on our 10.ter Guardian Shard Level to reach 50th A - gz - again from me at this point, especially since he still could swing the same again Epicmount - double gz - ^ ^
Also in the occupations I've screwed again yesterday.
Runecrafting 300 - MAX baby!
Outfitter - hmm 258 or so
And * drumroll *
Butchering 203, which unfortunately also means that I still 22 Skillups to Soulhide need, with which my colleague is already in the wings, either it is for him now, wait a lot, because I'll just go out like this I need to loosen times the level 42-44 mobs in order to push that to 225 or has ne ordinary escort quest to do. ^ ^
The evening can be summed up quite well with Lock Quest. Great things are not under me come here. The highlight was certainly the gebashe with a full raid against a considerable Deat invasion including Boss Kill, I have worked with the Bard once beautiful buff & debuff and could heal.
is otherwise not much happens instance, there will probably only today or tomorrow when I'm 35 so or 36, I think before it makes any sense.
The Riftstalker / Blade Dancer / Bard spec is now complete and I have geskillt 32/6/6. I think I have the Riftstalker everything first essential in it, but here and there go a few more nice-to-have items. At Bard I geskillt 10% HP bonus and the "armor aura", but here are still missing in Street Smart 3 points for 6% less dmg.
The Blade Dancer 3% hit and 3% had both Dodge geskillt I would like to expand to 5%. The next 7 Skill points are so firmly scheduled. What I then skills are, there are still, for the first time I have to tinker nor my Hotbar right to collect some practice experience and then I will see. Moreover, even the Tankequip will be built here and there but I have some extremely offensive slots Dex, Str, Crit and only has to say as I look at each case that is even better. A quick dirty test with 2-3 items that I had in inventory on it have at least something I'm Endurance selfbuffed to 3.7 k HP. I think there is something else, but in any case in regions in which to work.
At this point even mentioned it yesterday our guild master and mate yesterday as successful players on our 10.ter Guardian Shard Level to reach 50th A - gz - again from me at this point, especially since he still could swing the same again Epicmount - double gz - ^ ^
Also in the occupations I've screwed again yesterday.
Runecrafting 300 - MAX baby!
Outfitter - hmm 258 or so
And * drumroll *
Butchering 203, which unfortunately also means that I still 22 Skillups to Soulhide need, with which my colleague is already in the wings, either it is for him now, wait a lot, because I'll just go out like this I need to loosen times the level 42-44 mobs in order to push that to 225 or has ne ordinary escort quest to do. ^ ^
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Descente Ski Podium Jacket
Rift - Journal # 3 (lvl 30 - lvl 32)
The play session began frustrating. I tried my crafting make Daily's what me but only succeeded in part because the fact that my colleagues have currently vacation, etc. more time than I, and thus higher support on the level, I am with my Craftingberufen far beyond my level I can wear the armor in the first 8 levels are Craftingfenster already gray and give Skillups more, the same goes for Runecrafting.
So I tried to make the quests so I do not give away much and can accumulate efficient brands.
But failure of attempts to eke by land with level 30 in the Droughtlands miserably and I had frustrated after a few Corpseruns my intention to give up.
were the meantime, my fellow soldiers and my rogue buddy from the guild, and we would like discussed at the previous day in the Cascades foul.
Search for something then finally another DD and a healer was found. Warrior buddy and I as a rogue DDs our colleague from the guild tank. So let's go.
* First single trash so thick hmm undead mountain of flesh? Abomination? ... uh ... whatever gepullt and WIPE *
analysis: Our tank thought the okay of the healer would be "okay start" a been, but was a "yes okay I'll come to you TS into" spanking the trash so the group while our healer was on the desktop. !.
* So back in, durchbuffen, ampoules and ... WIPE *
oO (how can that happen for now)
healer: Um who exactly is the tank?
oO (ARGH / facepalm. - Two types of the front of the mob, only one gets hurt, gets the damage, much more life than anyone else in the group to get the damage is not a warrior (the thick with ner Two-Hand Axe running around), as with only one of the damaged even a die and can not be cured? A healer is special not only for the tank there for all fucking shit. ... [INSTER_RANDOM_CURSES_HERE])
DPS Warrior: XXXXX (rogue colleague) is our tank.
tank: Yes, yes ... it figures when a warrior on the condition that he is his automatic tank ^ ^
. I: Well ok Blödheitswipe Anstandswipe and are exhausted, but now time and concentration here.
AFK DDler: So I'm out
oO (who can blame him)
DPS warrior. Ok I searched once a new DD.
With the new DD we beat us, then through to the first boss encounter. * Meanwhile, our guild leader and 46er tank back at the keyboard and the microphone.
We reach the first boss .*
DPS Warrior: Something to consider?
healer takes a deep breath ...
guild leaders from the off: dmg on the boss, so the young girl there, if the shield regards to the mind, then on the thick, Koppe then the mind, then the fat, then the boss . nuke Boss are so closely on the mind is not silenced. Loot and go!
healer: So you can see 3 types since this witch and the spirit of this ... [INSERT_5_MINUTEN_MONTON_LANGWEILIGE_SICH_WIEDERHOLENDE_BOSSTAKKE]
In the end, when LIEEEEESSSSSCHHHH (the spirit) and Gurtz (both spoken German) are dead then ....
* I wake up slowly from the catatonic rigidity to *
* Pull. Dps boss. Dps the mind. Dps thicknesses. Switch back to the spirit. . ... * Tank down
oO (Oh my face what was that ...)
healer There you are [tank] me but died off at precisely the wrong moment! .
oO (Hey You are Flitschbirne it no, I do NOT SUITABLE moment repeated in one of the tank will die off!)
Tank: Well whatever happens, this time it works.
Experiment 2:
* We get going and fighting, the dmg is flying ... I get
damage ... It will take 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... seconds nothing happened in my life bar .*
Me: I could cure take??
* It will take 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... seconds of my life bar, nothing happens .*
Me: I could do with healing? * I will be stupid and throw a healing potion *
still not painful.
* The battle rages on, I get the damage ... and go down ... *
Healer: Now back to LIEESCH, now back on LIIIEEEESSSCHHH!
* The fight goes on, the Boss and Gurze (8%) are still standing. The healer's mana from ... WIPE !!!!*
DPS Warrior & Healer: Why did you go down?
Me: I got damage, had no aggro - I suppose any random spell or so and the damage was not weggeheilt.
healer: - * silence * -
Experiment 3:
* We get going and fighting, the dmg is flying ... the spirit is down down, switch on Gurze, dmg ... tank goes down warrior goes, healer goes down, down random DD is, I still Gurze kite pulling him down the aisle So from 15-20% and still go down .*
healer There you are [tank] me but died off at precisely the wrong moment!
* I bite into the edge of the table *
DPS Warrior: Can you some support with the Bard?
Me: sure, so of Single Target Nukeskillung on AE / Bardenskillung.
Test 4: *
The Boss goes down, probably because Gurze was bugged
.* In the following we hear Since you are to me but died off at precisely the wrong moment! two more times.
However, we do it after about 70 minutes to finally end the instance.
* I break whimpering and laughing together at the same time *
I then exports to Sanctum and build around my Marksmen to a Deep-Bard spec.
We are looking for a new DD and a new healer.
And lo and behold we storm in 22 minutes through the instance, while the new healer complains that there is little to do.
We repeat the whole then 2 more times and notice that a Bard is really dope, and delivers the next Imbasupport also quite decent damage on an average level DDs.
then I have dedicated myself to crafting. The result is quite official.
Runecrafting 271
Outfitter 248
Butchering 165
Then I bought a third role the trainer and me thinking about a Riftstalker / Blade Dancer / Bard Tankskillung Geachte, but because it was not so late distributed final points that would I do the same.
The play session began frustrating. I tried my crafting make Daily's what me but only succeeded in part because the fact that my colleagues have currently vacation, etc. more time than I, and thus higher support on the level, I am with my Craftingberufen far beyond my level I can wear the armor in the first 8 levels are Craftingfenster already gray and give Skillups more, the same goes for Runecrafting.
So I tried to make the quests so I do not give away much and can accumulate efficient brands.
But failure of attempts to eke by land with level 30 in the Droughtlands miserably and I had frustrated after a few Corpseruns my intention to give up.
were the meantime, my fellow soldiers and my rogue buddy from the guild, and we would like discussed at the previous day in the Cascades foul.
Search for something then finally another DD and a healer was found. Warrior buddy and I as a rogue DDs our colleague from the guild tank. So let's go.
* First single trash so thick hmm undead mountain of flesh? Abomination? ... uh ... whatever gepullt and WIPE *
analysis: Our tank thought the okay of the healer would be "okay start" a been, but was a "yes okay I'll come to you TS into" spanking the trash so the group while our healer was on the desktop. !.
* So back in, durchbuffen, ampoules and ... WIPE *
oO (how can that happen for now)
healer: Um who exactly is the tank?
oO (ARGH / facepalm. - Two types of the front of the mob, only one gets hurt, gets the damage, much more life than anyone else in the group to get the damage is not a warrior (the thick with ner Two-Hand Axe running around), as with only one of the damaged even a die and can not be cured? A healer is special not only for the tank there for all fucking shit. ... [INSTER_RANDOM_CURSES_HERE])
DPS Warrior: XXXXX (rogue colleague) is our tank.
tank: Yes, yes ... it figures when a warrior on the condition that he is his automatic tank ^ ^
. I: Well ok Blödheitswipe Anstandswipe and are exhausted, but now time and concentration here.
AFK DDler: So I'm out
oO (who can blame him)
DPS warrior. Ok I searched once a new DD.
With the new DD we beat us, then through to the first boss encounter. * Meanwhile, our guild leader and 46er tank back at the keyboard and the microphone.
We reach the first boss .*
DPS Warrior: Something to consider?
healer takes a deep breath ...
guild leaders from the off: dmg on the boss, so the young girl there, if the shield regards to the mind, then on the thick, Koppe then the mind, then the fat, then the boss . nuke Boss are so closely on the mind is not silenced. Loot and go!
healer: So you can see 3 types since this witch and the spirit of this ... [INSERT_5_MINUTEN_MONTON_LANGWEILIGE_SICH_WIEDERHOLENDE_BOSSTAKKE]
In the end, when LIEEEEESSSSSCHHHH (the spirit) and Gurtz (both spoken German) are dead then ....
* I wake up slowly from the catatonic rigidity to *
* Pull. Dps boss. Dps the mind. Dps thicknesses. Switch back to the spirit. . ... * Tank down
oO (Oh my face what was that ...)
healer There you are [tank] me but died off at precisely the wrong moment! .
oO (Hey You are Flitschbirne it no, I do NOT SUITABLE moment repeated in one of the tank will die off!)
Tank: Well whatever happens, this time it works.
Experiment 2:
* We get going and fighting, the dmg is flying ... I get
damage ... It will take 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... seconds nothing happened in my life bar .*
Me: I could cure take??
* It will take 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... seconds of my life bar, nothing happens .*
Me: I could do with healing? * I will be stupid and throw a healing potion *
still not painful.
* The battle rages on, I get the damage ... and go down ... *
Healer: Now back to LIEESCH, now back on LIIIEEEESSSCHHH!
* The fight goes on, the Boss and Gurze (8%) are still standing. The healer's mana from ... WIPE !!!!*
DPS Warrior & Healer: Why did you go down?
Me: I got damage, had no aggro - I suppose any random spell or so and the damage was not weggeheilt.
healer: - * silence * -
Experiment 3:
* We get going and fighting, the dmg is flying ... the spirit is down down, switch on Gurze, dmg ... tank goes down warrior goes, healer goes down, down random DD is, I still Gurze kite pulling him down the aisle So from 15-20% and still go down .*
healer There you are [tank] me but died off at precisely the wrong moment!
* I bite into the edge of the table *
DPS Warrior: Can you some support with the Bard?
Me: sure, so of Single Target Nukeskillung on AE / Bardenskillung.
Test 4: *
The Boss goes down, probably because Gurze was bugged
.* In the following we hear Since you are to me but died off at precisely the wrong moment! two more times.
However, we do it after about 70 minutes to finally end the instance.
* I break whimpering and laughing together at the same time *
I then exports to Sanctum and build around my Marksmen to a Deep-Bard spec.
We are looking for a new DD and a new healer.
And lo and behold we storm in 22 minutes through the instance, while the new healer complains that there is little to do.
We repeat the whole then 2 more times and notice that a Bard is really dope, and delivers the next Imbasupport also quite decent damage on an average level DDs.
then I have dedicated myself to crafting. The result is quite official.
Runecrafting 271
Outfitter 248
Butchering 165
Then I bought a third role the trainer and me thinking about a Riftstalker / Blade Dancer / Bard Tankskillung Geachte, but because it was not so late distributed final points that would I do the same.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Karaoke Revolution Microphone
Rift - Journal # 2 (Lvl 28 - lvl 30)
Yesterday evening game began first with a clever Craftingsession. Kindly, I would strongly supported in any way by my other teammates. The lion's share of unused leather and fabric ends up in my mail box and even the odd green item. This leads to
I really far with my two main occupations am my real level advance.
Runecrafting 211
Outfitter 198 (maybe even two or three points more)
Butchering 168 or so.
Not only that, I'm also extremely Enchant Mats to actually almost all enchantments / runes can I produce on request. But this has also resulted in the log after the well 60 to 90 minutes it will cost them bales of cloth and leather from the respective raw materials to produce and to then be in mass production in, say, 100 fabric and 120 leather shoes and then transform to decompose by Runecrafting. Well seis drum.
Subsequently, together with my guildmates (Offensive warriors) leveled. The quests were in the second half of the zone (Gorge Scarlet / Scarlet Canyon) is much more relaxing because we had not so much scrambling through caves and mountains. Only this quest alone in the south of the zone around Rockridge and final Fire Rift were really corrosive. The player density was again a little too high and you had to camp again Spawnpoints of mobs and Respawntimer was also pretty high guess, so 2-3 minutes. In addition, even a whole Guppe PvP-flagged rumgestrunzt Defiants / skeptic here, and has the Questnpcs and the mobs weggemetzelt and who is not paying attention was umgemosht, because while most quests, you are not in a position against an organized quasi-gankendes team to enforce, especially if they have a keen healer and protect their healer also.
But that passed.
In the next area the quest again went a lot better, probably due also to the already quite advanced time. So far I've seen from either the zone is still not much convinced even though the Air Rift looked pretty good. Playful and Quest Technical been quite effective without frustration factors, etc. but no highlights. So far, a fairly nondescript area ... but perhaps there will still ... what we will see.
Otherwise, I'm on my Marksmen spec a little rumgetweaked, but so far I could try not to spec, because I am now just with the added possibility of salvation, the thicker Pets, the Rüstungsbuff and Instant Petbeschwören in emergency situations a lot safer feel. I'm worried it will take a few levels until you give me enough time in instances, because it also really matters, after the trash before a boss to a different spec to be change and another 10 seconds, a pet summon.
Furthermore, I'm considering a Tankskillung need to. Riftstalker / Blade Dancer perhaps. This then may still come to the Bard by up to Rüstungsbuff. Well to be found.
have seen that it works quite well and it's never bad to have a little more flexibility in the hindquarters. Let's see maybe the fly Marksmen spec also the first time out and I will do then ne Level / AE instance spec, ne Tanksillung and a deep Barden Supporter / Support Heal spec. But that's only sometimes enhanced with a big question mark. For now, there's only the Tankskillung it and then wait and get the things to be let.
Yesterday evening game began first with a clever Craftingsession. Kindly, I would strongly supported in any way by my other teammates. The lion's share of unused leather and fabric ends up in my mail box and even the odd green item. This leads to
I really far with my two main occupations am my real level advance.
Runecrafting 211
Outfitter 198 (maybe even two or three points more)
Butchering 168 or so.
Not only that, I'm also extremely Enchant Mats to actually almost all enchantments / runes can I produce on request. But this has also resulted in the log after the well 60 to 90 minutes it will cost them bales of cloth and leather from the respective raw materials to produce and to then be in mass production in, say, 100 fabric and 120 leather shoes and then transform to decompose by Runecrafting. Well seis drum.
Subsequently, together with my guildmates (Offensive warriors) leveled. The quests were in the second half of the zone (Gorge Scarlet / Scarlet Canyon) is much more relaxing because we had not so much scrambling through caves and mountains. Only this quest alone in the south of the zone around Rockridge and final Fire Rift were really corrosive. The player density was again a little too high and you had to camp again Spawnpoints of mobs and Respawntimer was also pretty high guess, so 2-3 minutes. In addition, even a whole Guppe PvP-flagged rumgestrunzt Defiants / skeptic here, and has the Questnpcs and the mobs weggemetzelt and who is not paying attention was umgemosht, because while most quests, you are not in a position against an organized quasi-gankendes team to enforce, especially if they have a keen healer and protect their healer also.
But that passed.
In the next area the quest again went a lot better, probably due also to the already quite advanced time. So far I've seen from either the zone is still not much convinced even though the Air Rift looked pretty good. Playful and Quest Technical been quite effective without frustration factors, etc. but no highlights. So far, a fairly nondescript area ... but perhaps there will still ... what we will see.
Otherwise, I'm on my Marksmen spec a little rumgetweaked, but so far I could try not to spec, because I am now just with the added possibility of salvation, the thicker Pets, the Rüstungsbuff and Instant Petbeschwören in emergency situations a lot safer feel. I'm worried it will take a few levels until you give me enough time in instances, because it also really matters, after the trash before a boss to a different spec to be change and another 10 seconds, a pet summon.
Furthermore, I'm considering a Tankskillung need to. Riftstalker / Blade Dancer perhaps. This then may still come to the Bard by up to Rüstungsbuff. Well to be found.
have seen that it works quite well and it's never bad to have a little more flexibility in the hindquarters. Let's see maybe the fly Marksmen spec also the first time out and I will do then ne Level / AE instance spec, ne Tanksillung and a deep Barden Supporter / Support Heal spec. But that's only sometimes enhanced with a big question mark. For now, there's only the Tankskillung it and then wait and get the things to be let.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Hot Scene In Mera Naam Jokar
the pains of being pure at heart, young adult friction
the pains of being pure at heart, young adult friction
The weekend was, unfortunately, again faster than you could watch over and the day I was again. The cold weather is getting on my nerves, I can gray sky no longer see the sun and heat would be all but so much easier.
hair yesterday, I also left, the half was cut off and I like it very much - in the flesh even more than in these pictures. From my red hair color I will separate myself very soon, I've seen it enough and prefer to be something natural.
Inspirational Quotes Cancer
Rift - Journal # 1 (Early & Level Head Start)
Rift's launch went really very great. Clearly by far the launch of a best MMORPGs I have experienced first hand before.
I was 25 minutes was logged before the last patch sucked file and install, and thus had the first ever neck Account / Login Server behind me. The servers were already all on how it looked, but were still marked with a padlock symbol and therefore blocked. Here we have also learned from the past and sailed around the problem when the servers go online and have one after all the people on the login server can see the server also. This often leads to the server to go right back in the knee when the load is a little spread.
disappeared in time then the locks from the server and I chose myself to the new home. Quickly 6 characters created and name secured, then switched back to the future Mainchar and plunged into the fray. The initial area was filled Instanced pleasant, without being crowded and it was progressing well and loose. At level 6 in the "real world" arrived, the picture changed dramatically. Those who swam with the crowd was in a fix and made sure that they are able to very fastest deposed faster and a small force quickly pulled away to complete while a brutal gang of 200 players at a Questhub to everyone "Kill 10 Rats" but want the rat area only ~ 25 Spawns has can be expected by the times. Even worse for the typical "Mannipulationsquesten. Each player must be 6 X angrabbeln Anything. Distributed between the mobs might take nine of these things and the respawn in the initial state, perhaps 20-40 seconds, which produces cycling not selfish behavior and long waiting times. In time a small group makes loose before the main shaft 3-5 quests.
But the bird shoot collection quests spawn of objects where there is no group credit.
Well two days after a launch no problem. In a mass start when hordes constrained by extremely straightforward Questhubs however terrible, yet offers all give their "release Flair" there is just the experience in MMORPGs rarely and briefly - almost a digital Moshpit; -]
Sunday night when I logged out had to go to bed my Ranged level 28th-Rouge So I swim in our small communities in the midfield. Our top players was 35 at that same time On our server the highest player at this stage was level 45 (warrior) with a distance of 3 levels on the second. However
charged me the whole not, I'm not printing. If I do not see an instance, then I do the honest and Wayne, but I was now able to take two instances there were. Of the trash groups and bosses so far pretty unspectacular.
Trash: Together Wegtanken & Pullen and wegnuken with AE Dmg
Bosses: FocusDmg Add1 => FocusDmg Add2 = (note the case of weak healers Raid rule 2b (Do not stand in Shit that hurts you))> Tank & Spank the Boss
Graphically, however, is in the first instance, already a lot to offer. The last part of the 4 seasons instance (Winter) looks really great feeling. Since the developers have put down definitely a good entry instance.
The second instance is as even more common. A monotonous facial expressions / body cavity. If you must fight against the mini-Maexxna including party members cocoon. Otherwise, forget the instance when one is already rausgeportet.
In the quests are offered a mix of familiar foods unit. The first quest area, which includes the capital city of Sanctum of the Guardians, plays loosely away, there are highlights here but not really. If the Zone Main Storyline Quest would be characterized not need color, then you would not even notice.
The second area Gloamwood can score really does look like pre-Cataclysm Tirisfal and Mirkwood honest old. Both visually and by the layout, but just in terms of storytelling and atmosphere to this zone to score very very fat!
I want to spoil anything, but it really is worth reading one or the other quest text.
The next mission area however, moved in a few seconds but my hatred of himself. Within the first glance and based on the graphic style I recognized immediately that it is uncomfortable here and give an immediate impression of a pre-Cataclysm Thousand Needles on Crack virtually the stone deserts, inspired rock & Hoodoos plateau in Colorado.
ie bright red-brown-yellow sandstone tones and firm level Level => detours, rush to death, mine shafts without end, etc. and quite frankly, what the first fleeting sight of an associate, can provide the zone also in abundance.
Nevertheless, here are some good sichein quests, which is worth the read, and so far had the zone and the coolest Mobtyp of the game: These female rangers with rifles, Mexkanischer-costume & Chupalla (sombrero-like hats) just look cool and Badass of which I for my high elf so want to have a look ^ ^
to my talents.. I currently have two roles. The first is strong Marksman-heavy, with about 6 points Ranger for Pet & Pet-Heal and Blade Dancer for Oh-Shit Button and some additional + hit. This was also my Startskillung because the Rangers initially spec is not as strong if you have not enough points for the upgrade of the Pets. Furthermore, this spec also my single-target DPS spec.
The second spec is my main spec instance and, now, my Levelskillung.
She is strong Ranger-heavy and takes the & next to the thicker Pets Pettalenten (Instant Pet Summon emergency) also Imba-AE Spell Rain of Arrows with and in addition, the bonus talents for the trick-shot, which is really great also additional Combo point structure and AE finisher make the Ranger a really going on in the AE-Monster Trash phases in instances when a capable tank really rough. The second soul he still has a few points for bard armor, stamina and Critbuff and Critselbstbuff Supportheal and something which even the quest is sometimes very helpful. The third point is also currently the Soul Blade Dancer for the Oh-Shit-button.
Hint: as long as you have no (0 as = NULL) points in a soul you can always change this Soul, which saves Umskillkosten. A Mage can take as the Quest for the Elementalist Tankpet, go into the instances for Necro Pet Dmg-or even just when needed for the Dominator NEN "Sheep" clean and take out on your mood and forth switches. A buddy
level up with Soul Assassin and corresponding spec that can be a lot of single-target DPS and also unpack indefinitely with normal pace sneak what many Quest situations defused strong.
So ... now I have to further levels:)
Rift's launch went really very great. Clearly by far the launch of a best MMORPGs I have experienced first hand before.
I was 25 minutes was logged before the last patch sucked file and install, and thus had the first ever neck Account / Login Server behind me. The servers were already all on how it looked, but were still marked with a padlock symbol and therefore blocked. Here we have also learned from the past and sailed around the problem when the servers go online and have one after all the people on the login server can see the server also. This often leads to the server to go right back in the knee when the load is a little spread.
disappeared in time then the locks from the server and I chose myself to the new home. Quickly 6 characters created and name secured, then switched back to the future Mainchar and plunged into the fray. The initial area was filled Instanced pleasant, without being crowded and it was progressing well and loose. At level 6 in the "real world" arrived, the picture changed dramatically. Those who swam with the crowd was in a fix and made sure that they are able to very fastest deposed faster and a small force quickly pulled away to complete while a brutal gang of 200 players at a Questhub to everyone "Kill 10 Rats" but want the rat area only ~ 25 Spawns has can be expected by the times. Even worse for the typical "Mannipulationsquesten. Each player must be 6 X angrabbeln Anything. Distributed between the mobs might take nine of these things and the respawn in the initial state, perhaps 20-40 seconds, which produces cycling not selfish behavior and long waiting times. In time a small group makes loose before the main shaft 3-5 quests.
But the bird shoot collection quests spawn of objects where there is no group credit.
Well two days after a launch no problem. In a mass start when hordes constrained by extremely straightforward Questhubs however terrible, yet offers all give their "release Flair" there is just the experience in MMORPGs rarely and briefly - almost a digital Moshpit; -]
Sunday night when I logged out had to go to bed my Ranged level 28th-Rouge So I swim in our small communities in the midfield. Our top players was 35 at that same time On our server the highest player at this stage was level 45 (warrior) with a distance of 3 levels on the second. However
charged me the whole not, I'm not printing. If I do not see an instance, then I do the honest and Wayne, but I was now able to take two instances there were. Of the trash groups and bosses so far pretty unspectacular.
Trash: Together Wegtanken & Pullen and wegnuken with AE Dmg
Bosses: FocusDmg Add1 => FocusDmg Add2 = (note the case of weak healers Raid rule 2b (Do not stand in Shit that hurts you))> Tank & Spank the Boss
Graphically, however, is in the first instance, already a lot to offer. The last part of the 4 seasons instance (Winter) looks really great feeling. Since the developers have put down definitely a good entry instance.
The second instance is as even more common. A monotonous facial expressions / body cavity. If you must fight against the mini-Maexxna including party members cocoon. Otherwise, forget the instance when one is already rausgeportet.
In the quests are offered a mix of familiar foods unit. The first quest area, which includes the capital city of Sanctum of the Guardians, plays loosely away, there are highlights here but not really. If the Zone Main Storyline Quest would be characterized not need color, then you would not even notice.
The second area Gloamwood can score really does look like pre-Cataclysm Tirisfal and Mirkwood honest old. Both visually and by the layout, but just in terms of storytelling and atmosphere to this zone to score very very fat!
I want to spoil anything, but it really is worth reading one or the other quest text.
The next mission area however, moved in a few seconds but my hatred of himself. Within the first glance and based on the graphic style I recognized immediately that it is uncomfortable here and give an immediate impression of a pre-Cataclysm Thousand Needles on Crack virtually the stone deserts, inspired rock & Hoodoos plateau in Colorado.
ie bright red-brown-yellow sandstone tones and firm level Level => detours, rush to death, mine shafts without end, etc. and quite frankly, what the first fleeting sight of an associate, can provide the zone also in abundance.
Nevertheless, here are some good sichein quests, which is worth the read, and so far had the zone and the coolest Mobtyp of the game: These female rangers with rifles, Mexkanischer-costume & Chupalla (sombrero-like hats) just look cool and Badass of which I for my high elf so want to have a look ^ ^
to my talents.. I currently have two roles. The first is strong Marksman-heavy, with about 6 points Ranger for Pet & Pet-Heal and Blade Dancer for Oh-Shit Button and some additional + hit. This was also my Startskillung because the Rangers initially spec is not as strong if you have not enough points for the upgrade of the Pets. Furthermore, this spec also my single-target DPS spec.
The second spec is my main spec instance and, now, my Levelskillung.
She is strong Ranger-heavy and takes the & next to the thicker Pets Pettalenten (Instant Pet Summon emergency) also Imba-AE Spell Rain of Arrows with and in addition, the bonus talents for the trick-shot, which is really great also additional Combo point structure and AE finisher make the Ranger a really going on in the AE-Monster Trash phases in instances when a capable tank really rough. The second soul he still has a few points for bard armor, stamina and Critbuff and Critselbstbuff Supportheal and something which even the quest is sometimes very helpful. The third point is also currently the Soul Blade Dancer for the Oh-Shit-button.
Hint: as long as you have no (0 as = NULL) points in a soul you can always change this Soul, which saves Umskillkosten. A Mage can take as the Quest for the Elementalist Tankpet, go into the instances for Necro Pet Dmg-or even just when needed for the Dominator NEN "Sheep" clean and take out on your mood and forth switches. A buddy
level up with Soul Assassin and corresponding spec that can be a lot of single-target DPS and also unpack indefinitely with normal pace sneak what many Quest situations defused strong.
So ... now I have to further levels:)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Dollce & Gabbana Men Fake Shose
the Doors - Hello, I love you
the Doors - Hello, I love you
The above outfit yesterday I made for dancing. The upper part of Monki was probably my best buy of the century - I'm in love.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Oxyplatin Lifetime Dose
Hoist the main sails ye scurvy swabs! - Waiting for Rift start
The sails are set, the course is set, the digitally purchased Collectors Edition, the account is created, complete the subscription and download the client and installed. Ergo
to experience all the best conditions for a cozy Head Start, apart from the fact that I turn over again on Friday when my employer and have to tear down one working.
But after that it's really going on then, unless the log server or the server actually have problems and I'll be playing for the first place. But to be honest I'm not so desperate that it would charge me to play on Thursday did not. I have been working on is the best indication for once I have taken to release patches or after major holidays and addons not this time. In addition we play on Friday night also Pen & Paper RPG, what's going by my head-start time - but do not scratch the the bean.
But not this create a false impression - I am looking forward to Rift. We are familiar with 7 good RL start together and we are currently staffed with DPS a bit thin and we have more tanks and potential Healer, nothing that one could do with each calling DPS also want to play most likely heal or tank.
I will put a Rouge play and remember him primarily Marksman, Ranger, Bard to play. can
The plan also on here to write something longer so soon in the journal style as it was already times, I think of the Rift is because it is new simply tell you more than if I write about LotRO. The game is just too old, I can not write something really new, except containing my personal Progress play. In Rift I am able to experience the game's development on the pulse of time and can illuminate certainly more interesting aspects. This is for me personally important and exciting for me as if I thought this game can work out things for myself without the idea even before X months on EJ & Co. to the gasification durchgehechelt been, until the last dope reflect in any forums the wisdom he would have thought of it and translated some intern's safest EJ wisdom and pressed into a class-XY Complete Guide.
The sails are set, the course is set, the digitally purchased Collectors Edition, the account is created, complete the subscription and download the client and installed. Ergo
to experience all the best conditions for a cozy Head Start, apart from the fact that I turn over again on Friday when my employer and have to tear down one working.
But after that it's really going on then, unless the log server or the server actually have problems and I'll be playing for the first place. But to be honest I'm not so desperate that it would charge me to play on Thursday did not. I have been working on is the best indication for once I have taken to release patches or after major holidays and addons not this time. In addition we play on Friday night also Pen & Paper RPG, what's going by my head-start time - but do not scratch the the bean.
But not this create a false impression - I am looking forward to Rift. We are familiar with 7 good RL start together and we are currently staffed with DPS a bit thin and we have more tanks and potential Healer, nothing that one could do with each calling DPS also want to play most likely heal or tank.
I will put a Rouge play and remember him primarily Marksman, Ranger, Bard to play. can
The plan also on here to write something longer so soon in the journal style as it was already times, I think of the Rift is because it is new simply tell you more than if I write about LotRO. The game is just too old, I can not write something really new, except containing my personal Progress play. In Rift I am able to experience the game's development on the pulse of time and can illuminate certainly more interesting aspects. This is for me personally important and exciting for me as if I thought this game can work out things for myself without the idea even before X months on EJ & Co. to the gasification durchgehechelt been, until the last dope reflect in any forums the wisdom he would have thought of it and translated some intern's safest EJ wisdom and pressed into a class-XY Complete Guide.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Sick To My Stomach With A Headache For 4 Days
Crystal Fighters Follow
Today I feel like for dancing the night. Forecasts are Lari and I play together with our dear friends dream phone. I have not felt since played 100 years and I am very curious to see who will be my dream date.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Does Mcdonalds Have Their Own Factories
VORFREUDE: MELT! Festival 2011
Alle neuen Bestätigungen im Überblick
Bodi Bill Bestätigungen im Überblick
Âme (live) a (s) or other (s) found in Ferropolis!
MELT!, anyone?
Alle neuen Bestätigungen im Überblick
Bodi Bill Bestätigungen im Überblick
Âme (live) a (s) or other (s) found in Ferropolis!
MELT!, anyone?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
2 Days Early And Watery Period
the Organ-Hearts sinking
The sun's first rays are like balm for the soul. Even if I was the flu has not quite left, I still had something to catch the sun and not the photograph remained alone for long. Sun gets her to see not only my beloved blazer that I got as a gift from my mother, but Elliott still a loyal companion, our dog. Now I am richer by a few scratches but also for great photos, I hope you like them as well.
The sun's first rays are like balm for the soul. Even if I was the flu has not quite left, I still had something to catch the sun and not the photograph remained alone for long. Sun gets her to see not only my beloved blazer that I got as a gift from my mother, but Elliott still a loyal companion, our dog. Now I am richer by a few scratches but also for great photos, I hope you like them as well.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Ap Biology 5 Steps To A 5
The caravan moves on (Yet another Rift Post)
The 5th season is in full swing, but I do not care,-p
What do I care but again, that I will soon be orphaned on the server rather in Anduin Middle Earth. The power of my acquaintances and friends will go to the Rift and even though I sometimes "courageous enough to leave say, so I'll get carried away this time, although I could not convince Rift yet so I for driving force. Well
seis drum, in WoW I was at the small LotRO f2p Intermezzo I was, also, this time it is a different one.
to gamble with the farce in a game that is absolutely OK, is always cooler than alone is only marginally better in the game IMHO.
sees time it also seems as if we could from the beginning a very large community coming together, at least at the level phase, the so a lot of making fun and because the primary function of a game joy and fun, so I am part of the Rift project for however long it may take me and provides entertainment and fun.
The 5th season is in full swing, but I do not care,-p
What do I care but again, that I will soon be orphaned on the server rather in Anduin Middle Earth. The power of my acquaintances and friends will go to the Rift and even though I sometimes "courageous enough to leave say, so I'll get carried away this time, although I could not convince Rift yet so I for driving force. Well
seis drum, in WoW I was at the small LotRO f2p Intermezzo I was, also, this time it is a different one.
to gamble with the farce in a game that is absolutely OK, is always cooler than alone is only marginally better in the game IMHO.
sees time it also seems as if we could from the beginning a very large community coming together, at least at the level phase, the so a lot of making fun and because the primary function of a game joy and fun, so I am part of the Rift project for however long it may take me and provides entertainment and fun.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Write Message In Book For Baby
9 months with baby
love Blogger,
thanks for the many compliments. I am so happy that I am with my videos so many women accompany their pregnancy. Health and well-being starts in the womb. And the pregnancy is such a great experience that it's so important this time to enjoy active.
There were many inquiries as to whether I was still offering videos for postnatal exercises. Actually, I myself also made solid, but since then my angel in the world is, I have not made videos in time to turn to cut them and then put online.
I also wish all the best.
love Blogger,
thanks for the many compliments. I am so happy that I am with my videos so many women accompany their pregnancy. Health and well-being starts in the womb. And the pregnancy is such a great experience that it's so important this time to enjoy active.
There were many inquiries as to whether I was still offering videos for postnatal exercises. Actually, I myself also made solid, but since then my angel in the world is, I have not made videos in time to turn to cut them and then put online.
I also wish all the best.
Bobaraba Cream Online
Since I was set a bad flu for the time being out of action, I offer for a change, one of my current favorite artist at heart: Pantha du Prince
. The hamburger was published last year, a great album, which is called "Black Noise" and I can not hear often enough. On recovery, the music helps me hopefully, I wish you a great Valentine's Day and I'll report back soon with a new load pictures and things I've bought from Monki. Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Creative Extigy Mit Windows 7
and I Nokia Fashion Café in Dusseldorf for the participants the
Smart Style Event a little to look over your shoulder. The final images of the candidates who were already convinced in Berlin and in Munich, hung on the walls and we could look at the advertising potential future star in more detail.
But on the final day was still cast so we could watch the gifted photographer Jonas Lindström in his work. The models had on Saturday so another chance to shoot at the to show its best side to be at the end of the new model of the Germany-wide print campaign for the new smartphone C7
. Nokia presented its total with a well thought out idea, because in the Nokia Fashion Café wanted for nothing, there was a showroom where one the collections of young designers (at best gave me the collection of fallen Anastasia Janz ) could examine, private bar, a DJ and of course the photo shoot. An exciting mix and a great opportunity many a outsider to the fashion world a little closer to him and also to sell or a great new phone.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Brent Everett Baixar Filmes Completos E Gratis
By nasty weather, laptop conditions, awards and sewing boxes
After an item is checked already, it is now well rauszuholen time, the sewing box.
• I hate to arrange papers and hate when I say, I mean abysmal! Often I push the months before me, throw everything into a box and hope that someone can not look at everything in it with the chaos and does this stupid Ordnerei for me. But unfortunately it never happens, so be happy-even if I did not get around it-my living room turned into a battlefield without a paper system.
• I am a sleepy heads! More than a surly hum I get the best will not blow out when I not quite soon after getting my chill get 2 liters of coffee - oh oh!
• In the middle of the night for me is the best time for a hearty meal. Since then often a beautiful, delicious, calorie-rich lasagne made pizza demonstrated imaginative and gesort for the dessert in the form of muffins, cakes, biscuits, chocolate or Maskaponecreme Mouse. Who me, then at 3 online somewhere looks without that I say beep, who knows now: Aiyana is in the kitchen and the joyful singing of her hips is fired to cook faster!
• organic waste and I are at war! But the combination of scraping food scraps and the subsequent packing Newsprint in my body led to sporting excellence in the form of return value of food - another reason for me, always good to eat your plate is empty!
• In slumbers inside me a little, annoying, silly thing, which will periodically out. If I am the jumping, dancing, singing (of course so crooked that even the milk in the fridge for my neighbor is pissed!), Grimaces hear make pulling and funny sounds (preferably animal sounds or cry of a spoiled child when shopping), then you know: I urgently needed spare parts to replace my charred cable.
• I revel happy memories. This is not always good and makes me very sad and sometimes it takes me again to my box in which I keep a number of letters, photographs and objects from the past and pull myself completely back into me.
• I do not like any shoes and socks even 3x! Completely unnecessary utensils, if you ask me and I was also always take home Barfus. In summer, when it is warm, I also like the outdoors Barfus around and then had my shoes in the bag.
Phew, that would be done. Now, only missing the 15 blogs, which I pass this award. Again a not so easy Task and the 15 I get fully under no circumstances. No, it's not because I know that only 15 blogs that deserve it, but rather the fact that virtually every blog that I like super happy, this award has already been displayed on his shelf and so I give him this time only four more blogs - blogs that I read totally like, because they are varied, creative, or just influence me entertained just fine.
Outside, the storms, the trees can not decide quite which direction they whip and do the rain drops put up a unerbitterten competition here who can hit first on the streets - just the right weather to make it comfortable on the sofa to make a cup of hot tea to drink with caramel Roibush and my laptop ratio a little refresh.
discussions that we can both lead to each other, there are enough here, for example, about what has happened in the past few days my blog comments - and that was on something! DC five by me or my blog was an award given and every single time I feel like a little kid at Christmas. Thank you so much love for that feeling, and Melissa Lina, dear Isabel , Jennifer , Penny and Anka !
am I first at an awards ceremony, however confused a little bit, or should I rather say clueless? The awards I have received sound, that is actually equal, only one of them is not a German but an English text. Since he does not, unfortunately, embellished with a little picture, I am now not completely sure if this is the English version of the Awards is the same, or is an entirely different. Do you see the many question marks that hover over my head? Be that as it ... until now because I'm still not sure and has the research on the internet does not really kept a lot of clarity for me ready, I have decided after much back and forth to summarize both awards in this post. And off we go (I have indeed talked long enough xD):
am I first at an awards ceremony, however confused a little bit, or should I rather say clueless? The awards I have received sound, that is actually equal, only one of them is not a German but an English text. Since he does not, unfortunately, embellished with a little picture, I am now not completely sure if this is the English version of the Awards is the same, or is an entirely different. Do you see the many question marks that hover over my head? Be that as it ... until now because I'm still not sure and has the research on the internet does not really kept a lot of clarity for me ready, I have decided after much back and forth to summarize both awards in this post. And off we go (I have indeed talked long enough xD):
thank the person who gave you the award and link them to your inbox. Tell us 7 things about you. Give the award to 15 recently discovered new bloggers on. Contact these bloggers and let them know that they have received the award.
After an item is checked already, it is now well rauszuholen time, the sewing box.
• I hate to arrange papers and hate when I say, I mean abysmal! Often I push the months before me, throw everything into a box and hope that someone can not look at everything in it with the chaos and does this stupid Ordnerei for me. But unfortunately it never happens, so be happy-even if I did not get around it-my living room turned into a battlefield without a paper system.
• I am a sleepy heads! More than a surly hum I get the best will not blow out when I not quite soon after getting my chill get 2 liters of coffee - oh oh!
• In the middle of the night for me is the best time for a hearty meal. Since then often a beautiful, delicious, calorie-rich lasagne made pizza demonstrated imaginative and gesort for the dessert in the form of muffins, cakes, biscuits, chocolate or Maskaponecreme Mouse. Who me, then at 3 online somewhere looks without that I say beep, who knows now: Aiyana is in the kitchen and the joyful singing of her hips is fired to cook faster!
• organic waste and I are at war! But the combination of scraping food scraps and the subsequent packing Newsprint in my body led to sporting excellence in the form of return value of food - another reason for me, always good to eat your plate is empty!
• In slumbers inside me a little, annoying, silly thing, which will periodically out. If I am the jumping, dancing, singing (of course so crooked that even the milk in the fridge for my neighbor is pissed!), Grimaces hear make pulling and funny sounds (preferably animal sounds or cry of a spoiled child when shopping), then you know: I urgently needed spare parts to replace my charred cable.
• I revel happy memories. This is not always good and makes me very sad and sometimes it takes me again to my box in which I keep a number of letters, photographs and objects from the past and pull myself completely back into me.
• I do not like any shoes and socks even 3x! Completely unnecessary utensils, if you ask me and I was also always take home Barfus. In summer, when it is warm, I also like the outdoors Barfus around and then had my shoes in the bag.
Phew, that would be done. Now, only missing the 15 blogs, which I pass this award. Again a not so easy Task and the 15 I get fully under no circumstances. No, it's not because I know that only 15 blogs that deserve it, but rather the fact that virtually every blog that I like super happy, this award has already been displayed on his shelf and so I give him this time only four more blogs - blogs that I read totally like, because they are varied, creative, or just influence me entertained just fine.
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