Salt - A review
hard to believe after all these years alive again the Hollywood Russians. Ok this time but with a little twist, the film can not deny his unique traditions. But Hollywood
bruzelt this time the recipe of good old reinzurühren Cold War spy thriller with a new flavor and not stingy ordinary Bourne Triologe.
But unfortunately go well in the existing qualities Actioneinheitsbrei at some point. It would have been good for the movie quite a bit more time on story and backgrounds to use character development and motivation. With the exception of Salt, all other characters at most 1-dimensional and quasi-lifts are only a function and not a person / character and Salt to depend only marginally.
Conclusion: Loose Popkornkino without a draft, which is in a safe 5min clocking an action fireworks celebration, however provides only standard fare. The whole can not wegkucken grumble out, this is only just starting in the midfield.
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