information about the book:
Published by: script5Published: January 2010
Binding: bound
ISBN: 978-3839001066
Series Info: Volume 1
Skinned at here
homepage of the author Robin Wasserman
Lia is dead after a serious accident, has suffered considerable damage in which their bodies have to decide between the final death of Lia's parents their daughter or her rescue and thus gets the Finally, girls with the help of the latest technology a new, functioning body. But as easy as it sounds, this thing is not. After Lia regains consciousness, she can remember but about who she is and what had happened, but have to say that it no longer is that it once was. The new body looks different than her age, her face is not their own and something is different with this new body and no blood flows in it beats no heart, but the near-perfect exterior shell is nothing more than the mantle a computer - it is a Skinner!
After a long rehabilitation, while Lia learns both to use their new bodies and the perception of feelings and stimuli to process, the girl returns home and tries to continue the life of a man, who is no more. While one has told her during their stay in hospital all the time that while the body is no longer that of a man, but they will still continue to see is that the followers of the Enlightened different. For her, the girl who does not, but a what - soulless. But not only the fanatical followers of God, make it difficult to Lia, to find their place in life, but also their friends, Schulkamaraden and not least his own family, all of the one way or another at a distance to go to her, met with rejection or disgust or explain it quite simply, dead ...
note to the book
The question will look like the future of the Earth , is likely to have been any before. In her book, the author Skinned Robin Wasserman has provided a possible answer to that. Clothing that adapts to temperature, fully networked lives and parents who get just enough bonus with the children they want - that's the world in which we go here.
Lia is the main protagonist of the story and acts as narrator. Through them, the reader is confronted with the future and get an idea of the extent to which progress could change all our lives. would eliminate the writing style of the author, in which the reader gets the feeling not just tell Lia, but really talk to a, one comes close to the main protagonist and soon begins to understand and empathize with her. In their attempt, after their download insert into a world that was once theirs, the reader accompanies the young girl on her way to self-determination. Here, the author is sensitive and extremely realistic before. The conflict between who you think you are, and who one is, was brought credible and engaging to the reader. Philosophical ideas about what constitutes a human being, what role a beating heart, a soul and free play of thought, provide the reader not only while reading to think but also employ it in retrospect.
let the characters of the story here divided into two main groups - the people, also called Orgs, and Skinner, are entitled to their own kind as mechs. While of the people while posing a certain curiosity about the skinners, clearly dominate Rejection and distance. The anxiety over the unknown, the mourning for a loved one and the incomprehension of the nature of Skinner's lead to comprehensible and sometimes poignant performance. Whether it Lias is a mother who is overwhelmed with sadness, her father, a strong and outward mellowed man who has withdrawn his pain and despair run free, Lias sister Zo, which is plagued by guilt, the legacy of her big sister tries to protect and believes that the Skinner in her family not Lia, but merely a copy, or download the old friends of the young candidate, seeking initially about Lia openly confront their dislike and disgust to the Lord Will Skinner is not able to - they all contribute to Lias way to do so moving.
But the other side, that of Skinner contributes its part to make the situation both for the reader exciting and Lia to fall into a sense of chaos. In this case, the girl is no longer true feelings and emotions on the way she once did, but by the computer in its interior, which now detects when something hot, cold or painful. The latter situations are the mediate, the skinners the feeling of living and thus for them a kind of addictive . Represent
The story of Lia and Skinner is on the 375 pages by without any action-packed scenes, but captivating touches and inspires the reader through natural character, self-discovery and emotions. However, development and change is the perspective of the individual protagonists, especially the of Lia, interesting to watch - no matter whether these changes are positive or negative.
Skinned is the first of a trilogy Science Fiction flair and keeps the reader frightening visions of the future ready. This, coupled with natural character and the way to self-discovery, form a compelling and thought-provoking story.
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