PS3 Reviews (rather short) I am
Uncharted 2: Solid game, the graphics are damn good and also the German Syncro is quite ok. At first I had the game pretty packed, but has increasingly lost the game but I run a little. Towards the end of the game makes IMHO a firm descent the story is getting flatter and loses even the nice little details that have won at the beginning of yet. The venues are getting bigger win without thereby somehow of playing depth, gigantism is not everything, and the same applies to the enemy hordes that you massacred, way too much banging in the game. As was the guy I was pretty much the whole matter. I'm not bored, but that's it already. As the game are showered with so much to praise I honestly can not understand. Also suffers the game again at one of the usual problems' eyes, which are of Drake's ok, but the two women, especially Chloe they have robust gefailed came to me almost the whole time before they would have cyber eyes, Shadowrun says hello;)
Rating: 3.5 of 5 points
Valkyria Chronicles: Quite wacky turn-based strategy title. The setting and story are pretty wacky Europe with an alternative and an alternative Second World War. Many devices are powered by a mystical kind of metal. The Bazokaschützen call themselves and their Lancer Uniform looks like a knight in a jousting lance and a short Armshield is the head of Bazokasprengkopf.
The game itself has an amazing amount of depth with different classes (Scout, Shock Trooper, Lancer, Engineer, Sniper) Each Class can have different strengths and weaknesses according to the usual rock-scissors principle, different movement ranges, etc. In addition, you can use rock cover over the edges and other things. Furthermore, the units unterschiuedliche shot range and accuracy, do different damage depending on the armor type and have a defensive cone in which they stock up with defensive fire on enemy activity, the length and width of the cone depends on the viewing direction and the class.
As if that were not already complex enough, there are additional subtleties in the group by individuals, like in an RPG have different properties, so it is therefore also within a class. Each character is clearly recognizable and has traits and perks. Example, there are characters to be alone and get deductions on their values if they move too close companion to my body, as well as the other way around there and it gives the characters when they are alone, the courage to lose and decrease their values. Others struggle to get bonuses if they are present in nature, others have pollen allergies and get copies. Some may well see in the dark, have a hatred against a particular unit class and get bonuses depending on the situation. Just as there are characters and provides many health points or have others which are rather weak. Some want to impress the opposite sex and get combat bonuses when watching as women of her unit and many many more.
addition, there are friendships udn among the units may be grouped by clever choice of units powerful squads because such a close comrade give each other Freuerschutz or together to develop an opponent to shoot, even if they just nciht the active unit, the action is running.
tactic is to it as mentioned in addition to also cover something like hit zones, because if a unit is active then you can control them in a 3rd-Person/Ego-Shooter in a pseudo-Echziet, then go to the appropriate position in the target mode and then to target the corresponding hit zone , and of course do more harm headshots, the goal may even be smaller and therefore a miss is likely. The same applies for tanks, which are unable to move through chain connected and in which a motor / cooling system hits from behind a lot of devastating than a hit is head on the armor.
Another special feature is the Command Points. Each train has to consume only a limited amount of the active use of a unit one of these points, a panther, even two. In general, the dots not move out to each unit once and therefore this is also planning the day. But a unit can also be moved several times, which can shrink but their movement at each phase of activity after the first massively every time, still have some units are not infinite resources and thus in some units of a multiple use is not possible or appropriate.
Last but not least, there are also key units to an additional command points to give them out as party ceases to be the valuable command points and is in addition to the loss of unity by less gehandicapped actions. The
All this is accompanied by a somewhat childish anime series story that quite entertaining, though nothing is special. Nevertheless, the tactics duels thus pleasantly situated and embedded in a context and are therefore not so dry.
Rating: 4 out of 5 points
Dante's Inferno: has been unfortunately lost me after about 20 to 30 minutes. It seemed to me all the time as a weaker God of War, without, however, catch only in an area only with the model. The language issue has sucked IMHO, both in English and in German. The German version was simply uninsperiert and bad, the English in tone and effects simply grottig etc. overloaded so funny that it was almost impossible to me to be quite experienced English audience to understand everything. Even the setting I could not work properly, everything always a little too much pseudo-coolness. Well ... eject ... and back to video store.
Rating: 2 out of 5 points
Bayonetta: Sexy as Hell and Crazy. Bayonetta was a coarse fun. However, I had the game a little too quickly and confused. Maybe I've played it not long enough. It had a little hard because I had borrowed Brutal Legend and at the same time, however, it has unfortunately lost. In addition, I found it at one point or another a little weak in the graphics Department on the chest and was also a little too Lowpoly. However, I'm considering the game to give a second chance if the opportunity arises and all the other tracks are first played out, are still so on my "list to gamble."
Rating: 3 out of 5
Brutal Legend: was really a coarse Pops, wacky setting, witty genre crossover, with a madness soundtrack, a charming story and dedicated and euphoric speakers of the game alone have already taken.
I was thrilled when Jack Black fan rough on each of the first to bsi last second. The only weak point in the game was short For me, the action sequence on the back of the Fire Beasts, but this is probably a maximum of 1% of the game.
The game certainly has its shortcomings in one or another area, but great cinema! The whole package just knows to convince.
Rating: 5 out of 5 points => Camp Master's Hall of Fame
Street Fighter IV: A solid Street Fighter title of the image improves but still transporiert the style and charm. Manage a Platinum title.
Rating: 3.5 of 5 points
Soul Calibur IV: Graphically certainly the best Soul Calibur, but IMHO not enough improvement to Soul Calibur third Although I have some games for some time, I have not tested all Gamemodi, but I find just the story mode extremely thin. Part 2 was their card for this long quest line kind of cool, part 3, then the first story mode twice with the modular system, and this strategy mode and imemr still cool. I also think graphically, the 4 section has nciht here developed so much further, certainly many light are a few more polygons and the textures have a little more resolution, but I found the graphics leap from part 2 to part 3 much larger (both on PS2) and the jump to NextGen Console PS3 with the fourth part. The whole, however, complain to the highest level. However, it remains for me the best Beat Em'Up the title can be played now.
Rating: 4.5 of 5 points
God of War 3: is simply amazing! In every respect the game away just bombing everything. The graphics rock, especially the camera angles and make sure the rides, the bombastic and epic action set is still better in one scene and movie-feeling gets. I found the fixed cameras were self-selected camera are so common recently, so superior hands down. The soundtrack was the top hammer and has always taken the good and intense scenes made. The story was, we say Kratoesque, a revenge story that is pulled through without a lot of frills, but there are many Rezerenzen to the first two parts and is able to provide both new players an insight, so that they realize the overall plot and veterans of the vorhigen parts here and there to be some re-identification moments. The action is great, doses the puzzle just right. The Quick Time Events just awesome, and moreover give even the best water effects I have ever seen.
The Synchro is both in German and in English is superb and you simply keep the middle of it and feel it every time a certain satisfaction when again one of the asses who go on a sack and have you ripped aka gods regeungslos lie ahead in Drek.
Without question a highlight of the game's history.
Rating: 5 out of 5 points => Camp Master's Hall of Fame
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