Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pocket Bikes Blueprint

[Blog Parade] At the end of 2010 ...

has on her blog book strings started Katrin a blog parade with their questions, they make us look back on all our books in 2010.

• What was the book in this Year, from the little I've promised that I was then pleasantly surprised? (And justification)

The answer is easy: Little Brother by Cory Doctorow .
As blurb and excerpt was there really nothing that grabbed me directly or even aroused curiosity in me has. As I read the book, however, the story captivated me with their events more and soon was on a cessation to no longer think. For the most part this is certainly the possibility of just such a frightening scenario, and partly due to the really nice style of writing and likeable characters.

• What was the book This year, of which I've promised a lot, which surprised me but then negative? are (and justification)

Here there have been two books that have me a little disappointed. Once the
would be the kiss of the angel by Sarah Lucas. Both the idea of the story and excerpt and blurb gave me assurance here, but unfortunately I could not tie the story the way I had hoped. Especially the feeling of belonging to a group of tourists, which I had at the beginning, put me right in the first quarter put the book several times from his hand.

book number two is The Tribute by Panem - deadly games .
Yes, I know many will now shake their heads, but for me the spark was not simply skip it. However, because the story was not to blame, but rather part of the implementation, where my behavior Katniss not always seemed quite understandable.

• What your personal Authors discovery this year and why?

Uff, as were so few that I've discovered this year new to me and made me curious could be further from her mind works. Whether Krystyna Kuhn which I was with her season of The Valley pulled completely under their spell, Carina Bargmann, me with their debut Sayuri has charmed, Jenny-Mai Nuyen, whose books are not only full of fantasy, but are also written wonderfully visual, or Kelley Armstrong and Maggie stepfather who know how to fascinate with much feeling, sympathetic characters, great ideas and a great writing style .

• What your favorite cover this year and why?

this year there were soooo many beautiful cover how do I decide there because for one? I am just Sayuri , After the summer and Mage light, and there is actually much, much more that I think is great. These three are now, however, become because they not only fit great with the respective stories, but also recognition. want

Which book you must read in 2011 and why?

can answer that question I do not, because that really is beyond the scope here. Not only because I discovered almost daily, already published books, but also because 2011 will appear at the many promising books.


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